Cardinal Elementary School

About Cardinal Elementary School

The 2024 school year marks a new beginning for the elementary students at Cardinal Local Schools. A.J. Jordak Elementary  and The Cardinal  Middle School have blended to create the Cardinal Elementary School that houses grades kindergarten through sixth grade with nearly 400 students. The teaching staff continues to implement strategies from Ohio's Plan to Raise Literacy Achievement and also implement a new Math curriculum.  Students in all grades have access to Chromebooks to facilitate accessing online materials that supplements traditional classroom materials. In addition, students will all be able to sample music, art, physical education and technology classes for daily enrichment and also enjoy the new playground area for recess!

Daily Schedule 2024-2025






8:00 A.M.

8:15 A.M.

Bus and car riders arrive. Breakfast is available in the cafeteria. Students not eating will report to homeroom.


8:15 A.M.

8:25 A.M.

Students eating breakfast will leave the cafeteria. Breakfast will be served until 8:40 A.M.

Instructional Time

8:45 A.M.

3:20 P.M.

Students will begin the school day with attendance, announcements, and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Instructional time during the school day is dedicated to engaging students in meaningful learning experiences, fostering academic growth, and developing essential skills.


K & Grade 1 - 11:20 A.M.

Grade 2 - 11:40 A.M.

Grade 3 & 4 - 12:15 P.M.

Grade 5 - 11:45 A.M.

Grade 6 - 12:15 P.M.

11:50 A.M.

12:10 P.M.

12:45 P.M.

12:15 P.M.

12:55 P.M.

*Schedules are subject to change and will be specific to each grade level. Lunch periods are assigned at the start of the school year.


3:15 P.M.

3:20 P.M.

Bus and car riders begin dismissal procedures.

Save the date!

Field Day - May 20th (Rain date TBD)

Principal's Corner

Principal Bob Kujala

Mr. Bob Kujala
Cardinal Elementary School Principal

Email Mr. Kujala at

A Message From the Principal

Hello Cardinal Elementary School Families! Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! My name is Bob Kujala, and I am excited to be the Principal of Cardinal Elementary School. I have served in educational leadership since 2011 at local schools, Windham Exempted Village Schools and Southington Local Schools. My spouse, Rachel and I have three children (my daughters, Emily and Mara, attend YSU and my son, Matt is a sophomore at LaBrae High School. Last year was my first in the district and it was awesome to get to really know the culture and traditions of the district and of course, get to know my students. I am so appreciative of the families and support they provided over the year for me at Jordak Elementary School. If one thing is constant in life, it is change. So without further adieu, this year, we are bringing together the students and staff from Jordak Elementary School and part of the Cardinal Middle School. This new beginning is really exciting because of the opportunities this new configuration will provide. Our teachers will be able to collaborate further up the grade levels. This will help with planning and implementing instruction and providing intervention as needed. The facilities provided much larger physical education opportunities and access to technology opportunities. I am sure there will be some adjusting pains that we will work through, but in the end Huskie Pride travels! What will not change, is my commitment to providing the very best educational experience for the children of the Cardinal Community. I am looking forward to the 2024 school year and continuing to grow as the Principal of Cardinal Elementary School. Proud to be a Huskie, Bob Kujala, Principal

Bob Kujala Β 

Β Β  Cardinal Elementary School Principal

Brittney Wilson

Miss Brittney Wilson
Cardinal Elementary School Associate Principal

Email Miss Wilson at

A Message From the Assistant Principal

Hello Cardinal Elementary School Families! Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! It is my pleasure to introduce myself and give a brief introduction. My name is Brittney Wilson, and I am so excited to serve Cardinal Elementary School as Associate Principal for the 2024-2025 School Year! I am coming to you from the Solon City Schools where I have served in many capacities, both in Leadership and Classroom roles. It is going to be a big year with many changes and shifts as we move to our new school home. I am more than positive that our Huskies will move through this transition with PRIDE! I am eager to learn about our students, staff, and district. I am so interested in getting an opportunity to chat with as many new faces as possible, and to be a help and support this year. I also am looking forward to working with Mr. Kujala to ensure that we are providing the best quality education, instruction, and culture for our young students. Thank you for the opportunity to learn and grow as a Huskie in this new chapter! I am optimistic for a great year! Proud to be a Huskie, Brittney Wilson, Associate Principal

Brittney Wilson Β 

Β Β  Cardinal Elementary School Associate Principal