
Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment applications are accepted between March 15 and August 31.

Open enrollment applications can be completed online HERE. 

Our Board Office is open 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday-Friday for any questions you may have.

The Cardinal Local School District does participate in Open Enrollment. Per Board policy: The Board of Education shall permit the enrollment of students from any Ohio district in a school or program of this District, provided each enrollment is in accordance with laws and regulations of the State concerning Inter-District Open Enrollment, the provisions of this policy, and the administrative guidelines established to implement this policy. (Policy 5113: Inter-District Open Enrollment.) (Policy 5111: Eligibility of Resident/Nonresident Students)

Open enrollment is for students who live outside of the Cardinal Local School District and do not currently attend one of our schools. As a reminder, enrollment is done on a first come, first served basis and is dependent upon class size. Preference will be given to currently attending students. If your child is on an IEP or has a 504 plan, you must bring a copy of the child’s most recent plan to include with your open enrollment application. If you have additional questions, please contact the Board Office at 440-632-0261 x1000 or email Joanne Leichtman at

Truancy and/or behavior issues will be handled according to the Cardinal Local School Districts’ policies and procedures. Such students may be recommended for discontinued placement the Principal to the Superintendent who will render the final decision. 

Transportation for open enrolled students shall be the sole responsibility of their parents/guardians.

**Special notice for students entering high school: Per OHSAA rules-If a student transfers (changes) high schools at any time after establishing eligibility as a ninth grader (either by attending a school for five days or playing in a fall sport prior to the beginning of school), the student in INELIGIBLE at the new high school for the first 50% of the maximum allowable regular season contests in those sports which the student participated in during the 12 months immediately preceding the transfer.  NOTE: A student is considered to have participated in a sport if he or she has entered, if only for one play, a scrimmage or contest at any level of competition (e.g. freshman, junior varsity, and varsity.)  For additional information, email Athletic Director Jimmy Soltis at **